Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alive with Apricots

So I know the whole point of a blog is to keep up with it and show pictures and that just how it goes. My excuse: NO CAMERA. I felt as though I would be selling you all short without photos to back up by stories. And I only got my camera yesterday so all of the things are not photographed but life is a pushing along folks.

I have been doing a lot with the girls; parks, school, feeding ducks (which you can get a citation for now. WHAT THE??? ducks need to eat too IFPD) playing at Aunt Ashley's. We have had a blast. Besides that I am pleased to say that I had the privilege of going to Jackson Hole, Wyoming to see... DUN DUN DUH... Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

Now all who know me and my weird quarks would know how much this means to me, but those of you who don't. Well this is big. I went with my friends Ben, Brittney and Gary. I must say it was a fabulous experience, not to mention how completely intoxicating Jackson is. There was this store that was full of oils. Yes all oils. Oils you use for everything; the smell when I walked into the store was AMAZING. All in all, the experience was lovely.

In other news, I have been reading. Just finished I Am Number Four , and I must say the book was better than the movie. On the complete opposite side of the novel spectrum, I have also been reading Tuesdays with Morrie. This book is a compelling tale of a college student and his favorite professor. The author Mitch Albom wrote the book about his experiences with his dying professor and what he learns from him in Morrie's last days of life. I am having a hard time finishing it just because I want to learn as much as I can. Here is a quote from book- is about trust falls and what you learn from them "Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too- even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling". There are so many things that I have learned from this book, but this is one thing that I personally know little about- taking a shot in the dark. I definitely encourage all to read this book.

Okay now for the cute stuff. Here are the first of the photos from my new fabulous Kodak EasyShare camera. I took the girls to my house today and they were just so cute swinging on the swings and picking apricots. I just couldn't resist the urge to break out the camera. I am not a take a picture for the heck of it kinda girl. That is why I have Alexis; she documents most of my life. Haha. But here they are!

 The girls really wanted to pick there own apricots, so here they are; washed I promise. I am not some heathen nanny. 

 Oh Kyra. That girl has a mind of her own.

 Her face is better than mine for sure.
 She couldn't figure out what to do with the seed. Her face shows her deep concern.

 Kyra couldn't figure out for the life of her how to get on that swing.
 Sisterly love right there. All the fun was over when Cassidy came swinging back and hit Kyra.
Those are the updates. Stay tuned for more...